Hosted by the multi-talented Naomi Snieckus, Firecracker Department is a sit-down with the brightest minds and most charismatic women and non-binary artists in entertainment, representing the full spectrum of ‘the biz.’ But despite their showbiz superpowers, none can resist the targeted charm of their host. With each interview, Naomi and her guest kick off their shoes, pour a glass of wine and begin a very informal conversation, that is real and often intensely personal. It’s funny, frank talk about success, life in the public eye, the victories, embarrassments and vagaries of fame.
The Firecracker Dept. Podcast is free for everyone. No subscription necessary! Simply click on video to play/listen.
In this episode writer and filmmaker Asis Sethi joins Naomi for an hour of fun.
Asis's films A Bloody Mess and Future Superheroes are available on RWN. For more on Asis check out her profile at:
Up Next in Firecracker Dept. Podcast Season 1
Firecracker Dept. Podcast - Farah Merani
Hosted by the multi-talented Naomi Snieckus, Firecracker Department is a sit-down with the brightest minds and most charismatic women and non-binary artists in entertainment, representing the full spectrum of ‘the biz.’ But despite their showbiz superpowers, none can resist the targeted charm of ...
Firecracker Dept. Podcast / Meosha Bean
Our tenth Reel Women’s Network (RWN) spotlight is award-winning actor-director-writer MEOSHA BEAN. Meosha, founder of M.V.B Films, started filming and acting at the tender age of 7, inspired by watching horror films with her older brother and it grew from there. Meosha was voted the best upcoming...
Firecracker Dept Podcast / Pearl Gluck
Our 11th Reel Women’s Network (RWN) spotlight is award-winning writer-director-producer PEARL GLUCK. She creates both documentary and narrative films that explore themes of class, gender, and faith. Her first documentary feature film, DIVAN, is a Hasidic tale five years in the making that was dev...