In the heart of East Van, a young couple, Anne (Julie Bruns) and Phoebe (Chelsey Moore) have just discovered an eviction notice taped to the door of their apartment. With the potential loss of their home looming, and rental prices soaring higher than ever, their plans and dreams for the future are suddenly thrown into shadow. As potential buyers start viewing their home, an unlikely plan arises. What if they can make their apartment seem utterly un-buyable, and thwart their landlord's profit-turning plans? This light-and-dark comedy series follows their journey as they get creative to try to hold on to their home, and explore what it takes to feel like they belong in a city like Vancouver. It captures the anxiety around the housing crisis, the angst of crushingly high rent, the conversations so many of us have had as renters, and the attitude that to save ourselves from crying, we must laugh.
Up Next in The Eviction Season 1
The_Eviction_Episode 2 The Showing
With the first showing of their apartment, the loss of their home is becoming alarmingly real, but an irritating evaluation of their home by a potential buyer gives them an idea so off-the wall, it just might work…
The_Eviction_Episode 3 The Scheme
Phoebe and Anne have a zany plot that just might work, enlisting friends and neighbours as they bring Home Alone depths of ingenuity to their dilemma. Now if only they can pull it off.
The_Eviction_Episode 4 Welcome to our...
The apartment viewings begin in earnest, and Phoebe and Anne are ready for them with Home Alone-level hijinks. But will it be enough?